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tv   News4 Midday  NBC  July 26, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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we have an update on the big ob of unloading thousands of pounds of chocolate from this overturned truck that caused traffic delays allrn mog. saving woodstock. we have the latest on moving thu c festival. celebrating the 50th anniversary of woodstock to maryland. a warm, hot friday afternoon, what about the humidity levels. when do we see humidity move into the area and what about storm chances over the weekend? i'll have the latest in my updated forecast. m goodorning and welcome to news 4 midday.
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>> we begin ith another deadly shooting in the district. justin finch is live with what we are learning, hi, justin. >> d.c. police are right on the case of another deadly shooting here in the district. this one happening closeo 11:00 or so last night, a man now dead. st as law enforcement forced a new partnership in our region to stamp out these illegal firearms. sun up and crime scene investigatos out. a man gunned down overnight on the 300 block of 50th street northeast. police searching for a suspect in a white suv with tints on h windows and sunroof. the suv pulled off into the darkness. the victim left for dead at the lincoln heights house development earlierthis week, a
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special agent in charge from atf theup gro came together with tougher prosecution. turns out more than a third of the illegal guns turn out in virginia. >> we're going to have to get after this, andake it extremely hard for individuals to get guns and that's our commitment. as then homicide rate i d.c. is up. l year, 2018 the number was at 88. the rate is now abruptly 9% higher inching toward triple digeis. >> two nbors over lincoln heights wanted to go on camera about that shooting. but do say that number higher toward 100, they are concerned about their safety and their neighborhood as well as across thestrict. we can tell you too, the investigation into that shooting is still underway.
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police have not yet identified the vicm in that case. live northeast, justin finch, news 4, back to you. >> thank you. >> now we go to two separate truck accidents causing delays this morning. the latest athe icc in silver springs that involved a dump truck that spilled a load of n dirt, that itersection remains shut down. hours later, and crews are still trying to get a tractor-trailer off of i-270 in montgomery county. the trailer hit a police cruiser this morning as an officer was conducting a traffic stop. there weren't any serious injuries, the ramp to germantown road was closed right now. there was 40,000 pounds of karndy. not joking, in the semiat the me of the crash. and all of that was taken out before the truck could be removed. now to near perfect summer weather, the sun is out on another cool morning. >> question for our meteorologist, do we stay rain-free heading into the weekend in.
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>> most of us are going to stay rain-free today and into the weekend. you can't rule out an isolated shower, especially back over the untains and the closer you are to the water. but look at the temperatures right now, it was a cool re morning, w warming quickly coming in at 85 degrees, beautiful sunshine out there. really nice this afternoon, but it going to be hot. seasonably hot. aybe an isolated shower, t best chance around the i-81 corridor, off by the bay, if you're heading over to the beach. a sprinkle there, but a low chance overall, at about 10, 20%. 6:00 tonight, it's still warm t with themperature out there of 88 degrees. here's the latest check of storm team 4 radar, we're alllear out there right now, we see that humidity pick up throughout the weekend. i'm going to have more on that. coming up my full weather forecast at11:20. >> thanks emily, developing this morning, five firefighters are recovering after battling a massive house fire in an
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arundel county. flames ripped apart this two story home. it took crews two hours to bring those flames under control. the firefighters you mentioned earlier are expected to be okay, authorities say luckily no one was inside at the time. we're working to learn what caused the fire and we'll post the latest in the nbc washington app. a homeless man who has been arrested more than 70 times is now accused ofnother crime. attacking a pregnant woman. police released this foet toe michael hillard three years ago, his late charges for pushing an 8 1/2-month-old pregnant woman on a sidewalk. hillarys back on the streets and includes more than 20 charges of sexual violence. police have referred to him as a serial groper. the community wants to know why he keeps getting released. >> it's really important that we find out what's fundamentally wrong instead of letting someone back on the streets has
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scheduled to in courtin the next two weeks. maryland's department of stinal illnesses.hree cases o theyte still d t kinnow what's causing it. you can becomeft infected eating food or drinking water that may be contaminated by the par site. it's the same illness we told you about that's been spreading in virginia. 40 cases have been reported since the start of may, and three cafeterias -- we put them on the p, you can see two in erains,thone in e capitol one building the oth in the valo park building. there is no known cause to this, the symptoms can include weight loss, cramping and nausea. city officials are getting ready to break ground on a major project in northeast d.c. at 11:30, the mayor will be on site starting the official start on bryant street.
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the project will create an entirely new community. when it is done, there will be 1500 apartment units. a nine scen movie theater, and 250,000 square feet of retail space. new details on woodstock's 50th anniversary. it could rock maryland instead of new york. talks are underway to bring the event to our area. the three-day peace, love and music festival would take over the merriweather post pavilion. a half century ago, thousands of people flood a town in new york. organizers have struggled securing another venue. >> we're excited to be able to have a conversation with the romoters of woodstock, with merriweather about the opportunity of celebrating woodstock 50. >> the festival is supposed to happen in three weeks.
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the lineupha still not been finalized. this morning, house speaker nancy pelosi and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez meet on capitol hill. coming up, a look at pelosi's plan for democratsn heading a long summer break. the debate over school lines the debate over school lines being redrawn in fax county. when i was diagnosed with breast cancer,
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i went straight to ctca. after my mastectomy, i felttyike part of my identi was being taken away. my team made me feel whole again. cancer treatment centers america. appointments available now.
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after weeks of friction, house speaker nancy pelosi and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez met face to face r this mng. you can see video of them arriving right here on the screen. other members of congress have led d.c. for summer break. here's tracie potts with lo at what got done before the break and what's top priority once they return. >> reporter: 46 days, that's how long lawmakers are on summer break. >> we will own august for the people. we will own august, and make it too hot to h ndle fore
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senate. >> the senate scking around another week to pass president u tmp's $2.7 trillion budget deals, that prevent the u.s. from defaulting on its debt and bots domestic and military spending. >> this budget deal, i think supports that and helps that. i will vote for it. >> a big thank you from president trump to the house for approving the de on their way out the door. most republicans voted against it. >> this will add substantially to our already 22 illio$22 tril budget. >> reporter: left over from muheler's testimony, said russia is still trying tofl nce our elections, the senate doesn't want to give a billion dollars to st this.
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>> it's insane, it's as if we said we don't need a military. >> after the break, democrats will continue their push to get copies of president trump's tax returns. >> democrats have left with no agreement on impeachment, whether to pursue that nowor whether to wait. tracie potts, nbc news, washington. for the first time in nearly two decades, the federe governmnt ordered executions of death row inmates starting in december. attorney general william barr directed the execution of five inmates all convicted of killing hechildren. tast federal execution was carried out in 2003, the justice department also announced changes to the execution protocol. a cocktail previously used ie fl executions has been lace ce mewent'.ll in maryland, thereat aererg ia has two. the boston marathon bomber and the man behind the charleston church massacre.
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execution dates have not been set for any of them. we have a developing story. we'reni lear why nine hampton university police officers have been fired. our sister station reporting the officers were let go for allegedly sharing the misogynistic, racist and other offensive remarks on social media. a letter from the university says the officers and the supe pisors wererticipating in so-called mem wars. and all nine officers were fired. after a full investigation. >> parents in fairfax county are fired up over a potential change in where their kids can attend school. the county is considering altering its school boundary policy, to deal with over ro ing. it's tnguage in th e het language raised schools identified for boundary adjustments shall adhere to the onairfax policy, and have a
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variety of elements examined ng includi socioeconomic and/or racial composition of sdents in the affected schools. some detroitics are calling this engineering. >> i beg you to identify and address currenttshotspo and stop this attempt to manipulate our schools in your idea of social j ttice. >> board is not planning to decide on the new boundary the board has requested the superintendent to hire an outside consultant the to work with the board to identify best practices and engage the community in a discussion. families in fairfax countyy saeir adult children with disabilities are losing their jobs. >> for years, the county has used a local ononprofit hire people with disabilities to help with recycling. now, fairfax has awarded at work contract to a north carolina company. news 4's drew wilder spoke with families who areg beggin the
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county to reconsider. >> zachary and david had hard to find jobs that were a blessing for their entire families. >> it's been a dream come true. this was hard to get. >> he works for a company that helps people with disabilities find work. >> they hired that company to work on electronics. >> from his perspective and for mine this is unfair. >> here's what inia law allowed the nonprofit to qualify for they countcontract without competition, service gave the recycling work to a different company who hired the same workers with disabilities. because they're a for profit business, the company had to open up to other companies. he besides t fact that we're employing people with disabilities, we're county taxpayers andtyin this coun and creating jobs for this county. all that aside.
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appl to apples, company a, company b, we are much bette >> that's not accurate, based on our evaluation of the cost proposals. county's says the analysis found that the out of state company was a better deal financially, but these families are asking wat about their sons with disabilities. >> who can't require the contractor employ disabled adults. >> you can't require it, but you can give it consideration. >> no, we can't consider it in the evaluation for award. it's not to be a facfor evaluation. >> this is the request for the electronic recycling work, and t clearly states that the county will give prerans to locals with disabilities. i showed this on my cell phone. >> the contract award -- well, that should not be in there. >> but it is. and they've opened an official protest, which the countyn has tedays to review. >> as a resident and taxpayer, why my son's job that i w
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very hard with him to get is now being outsourced to another sta state. >> fairfax county says they made the decision on behalf of taxpayers. another legal issue here, virginia law does not allow the county to give preference to local bidders. we're still waitingn a response. katie ledecky silver in her return to the world swimming championships and qualified in the 800 freestyle event. she suffered her first loss in a major international 400 meter freestyle earlier this week. it was the first time the u.s. lost the event at an olympics or world since china in theou previworld record about a decade ago. this world championship meet is a sort of dress rehearsal for e tokyo olympics next year. the final relay is tomorrow.
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we wish her the best of wluk. in less than a month, some local students will be back in school. coming up, the special training that one virginia county is giving bus drivers to prepare them -- maybe for the worst. make awish, aladdin is on stage right now anthe kennedy r. we'll ask the stars of the show if we'll see any fly sng cpets onta
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temperatures are rising fast in alaska. h warme ad twice as fast as the rest of the world in the last 50 years kevin tibbles gives us a look. >> recent melted ice and snow. >> the massive spencer glacier.
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>> in 2009 you would be able te sp on to the ice from the end of the trail. >> reporter: today we have to kayak to the eglacier's fac a mile away. making our way past icebergs that have broken off. >> perhaps as recently as 30 years ago, where we're kayaking right now, would have beenhunder dreds of feet of ice. >> reporter: rex snyder has come to see the damagend first >> this is the warmest month on record. on july 4th, anchorage set a new record at 90 degrees. forest fires leave a haze that hangs in the air. >> fisheries a $6 billion industry are jeopardized. >> and the ice keeps melting. >> a helicopter is now the only way to reach the p. they say the spencer recedes 100 feet a year. >> this is a phenomenal place of
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natural beauty. the tragedy is, it's disappearing before our very eyes. >> the tour business ascending path is also receding. >> i love the aesthetic of what melted wter creates. the cause of it is heart breaking. >> with more carbon in the i atmosphere,t's getting hotter ng and melti glaciers. causing water levels to rise. >> in many other places, you can't see those chaes, ther are current climate changes affecting everybody. >> the glacier is a bit lke the canary in the coal mine. >> kevin tibbles, nbc news in the national forest, alaska. >> that is stunningly beautiful. >> beautiful and sad. >> it is. >> jason and i went to anchorage a few years ago, to be there and see the glaciers and hear the rumble and the cracks when the pieces fall off, you think, okay, that's never coming back.
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>> that is so -- >> and today coming at 4:45 i'm going to be talking about, you know, the way that we can kind of reverse what we're doing to the planet. is by lowering our greenhouse gas 'missions, i going to be taking a closer look at what is the biggest culprit. where are we seeing the most being put into the environment. is it agriculture? is it cars,e is it elctricity? but you talk about alaska. they're burning up as you just saw. >>europe -- we talked about france yesterday? >> yeah, the second intense heat wave. france yesterday was at 109 degrees, an all time record high. all time record highs were set yesterday in the netherlands, in germany, all across europe was dealing with this excruciating heat. here's the thing, is that area of high pressure headed toward heic this weekend? arc the arctic see ice already at an allime low. you see those warmer temperatures move in there over the weekend.
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it does not spell great news. back here, we're tracking a nice weekend but the beginning of another heat wave. today we'll have a hmh terature of about 89 degrees. over the weekend we're around 90, monday and tuesday, we have high temperaturesn the low to mid-90s, it starts to feel a little humid out there on your sunday. and then theid humty is there monday and tuesday. currently we're in the low to mid-80s in the metro area. east of i-81 everyone's in the low to mid-80s, in the mountains, we're in the upper 70s, it's in the mountains today, tomorrow and sunday. i can't rule out an isolated shower or thu the mospar i's io drndy. forerm, most of us completely dry through the weekend, and this is just fantastic cool biggest concern, i think is going to be the sunscreen and to make sure that you and the kids are hydrating out there. sunday is awesome, saturdarfis peection for the pool as well. if you're heading down to the nats/dodgers game tonight. the weather lookinge. nic after -- it may be hot
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especially if your seats are in the sun, our sun set tonight at about 8:30, as the sun goes down, it's going to be comfortable everywhere out there. a beautiful night for a baseball gam you can seehere, 6:00 p.m., we're at 87 degrees, if you're getting to the ballpark a littla y, you'll be feeling the heat down there. by 10:00 p.m., the game is wrapping up. a temperure of 79 degrees. as we look to tomorrow, a high temperature of 90, 92 on sunday and we're starting off our mornings around 70. so all in all a fantastic weekend, i'm going to have more on that heat wave, how long i lasts, how hot it gets. coming up at about 11:40. >> thanks.h w you challenge the batteries in your remote, don't just throw them away. >> coming up, as 16 marines are arrested after a human suggling investigation, the stop by a border patrol agent that started the investigation.
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on the west coast, more than a dozen marines are facing charges for a variety of illegal activity. >> military officials say the crimes remn under investigation, only saying they're connected to human smuggling and drug charges. >> we get the latest from miguel almaguer at camp pendleton. >> reporter: ncis investigators carried out a sweep. all part of a large scale on going criminal investigation. >> basically, it's a fact -- >> the junior enlisted marines were arrested forir t involvement in illegal activity, including human smuggling and drug related offenses. the marine core says it's committed to jurice and the ule of law.
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>> it will continue to fully cooperate. >> these crimes look like organized crimes. these werenot organized people. >> the arrests came on the heelu of another an smuggling investigation. earlier this month, two marines were arrested and charged with a transporon of certain alias for financial gain. investigators say those marines agreed to transportthree mexican citizens over the border for $8,000. >> if they are in fact found guilty of those crimes, they'll be held accountable for that. >> 16ma marines re in custody and are being questioned by ncis investigators. migu almaguer nbc news. let's go to breaking news, the department of justice is announcing a settlement with five states. the settlement makes way for the merger of t-mobil and sprint. it requires sprint to sell off boost mobil and virgin mobil to dish network.
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t-mobil and sprint must provide dish with 20,000 cell sites. critics of the merger are worried it will negatively impact consumers byci redu competition and raising prices. new goal in prince georges county. nearly 100 people died in road related crashes. virgin zero is a safety initiative to be mindful of others while using the roadways. the kickoff happened yesterday. 99 pair of shoes were on disay representing the number of people who died laaf year in trc related crashes. the initiative aims to get that number down to 0 by 2040. school bus drivers will be starting the new year with some new skills. they learned some strategies for dealing with scary scenarios. for the first time, the sheriff office trained drivers on how to deal with everything from an upset parent to a gun on the bus. julie carrie has more.
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>> here you go. >> in her 20 years as a school bus driver. gina brown has never had to confront a threatening t sition. after today, she'll know how to respond if for example an angry parent tries to get on the bus. >> bullies every day, here at e bus. >> brown was among several hundred bus driver p takingt in training. >> any time you can go hands on and rehearse, physically going through the motions, it's so much better. >> gina volunteered tola roll p a deputy posed as an irate father. he had no business on the bus steps. >> back off the bus. >> my kid rides on the bus. >> there's a sign down there that tells you to back off the bus please. >> the danger ramps up, what to do if someone tries to barge on the bus and do harm. >> i'm going to put my foot out and stop him. if i have to give a shove, i'll give a quick shove and cose the
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door. >> drivers got an idea how to handle a worst case scenario. gina and many of the drivers now starting the new school year with newfound confidence. >> how we can protect ourselves the children it's a lot of confidence there. i've never had that before. for the 20 years i've never had that kind of confidence. >>onfidence and skill she hopes she won't ever have to use. julie carrie, news 4. happeningnow, a chance to find a job in our area. montgomery countychools is hosting an expo this afternoo it will be at walter johnson high school in bethesda, and you don't have to register. >> we rely on batteries to power everything from remote control to toothbrushes. dos not always clear what to with them when they die. do you throw them away or recycle them? susan hogan is working for you with that answer. >> despite fact that batteries power almost
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everything in our lives, it's not always clear what to do with them when the juice is ase ud up. >> ideally you shouldn't toss them into the gar >> in fact in some places it's illegal to throw batteries in the trash. whether it's your standard double a battery or rechargeable cell phone battery or the ttery from your car, you should use safe storage and disposal methods. why? most batteries contain toxic ingredients. >> batteries can leak, get into the ecosystem, into the groundwater, so we're concerned about that. >> while all batteries may not generate enough energy to power a device, they could spark a fire if not handled carefully. store them in a safe container and keep them lined up side by ide so they don't touch each other. >> put a piece of tape on the
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positive andve negati ends. that makes sure you don't have any other type of current. >> an even better option. >> keep the container that you receive the batteriesit inially, in put them back in. >> many businesses have battery recycling programs. lowe's and staples will take certain kinds of batteries as well. that was susan hogan reporting. if you want to find a battery recycling center near you, open the nbc washington app and search battery recycling. we have set up a link for you. it's almost august. >> we know that the heat and h humidity got to return, but coming up, amelia looks ahead tt our nexheat wave? we'll be talking about that. >> local history buried under water. chris gordon goes out on the bay to give us aloser look. c
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there's a new reason to live
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in souylern mard. >> part of the potomac river is being desi aated as new national marine sanctuary. here's news 4's chris gorton. >> from the air, you can see the sunken ships. visitors and kayaks get a closer look. business is booming. >> a lot of ourourists we have in charles county, they have crazy.illing up like >> it was used as a ferryboat across the chesapeake bay. the ghost fleet is buried below the surface here. le>> the ghost f is important because it's the largest compilation of marine ships. >> artifacts dating back to the
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civil war,th and earliest native americans who lived herep reting from charles county maryland, chris gordon, news 4. >> probably looks the same today. it's just beautiful. >> we have had such nice weather these days, what's toda f thursday,day? >> friday. >> don't tell me it's thursday, i'm leaving. >> another another sip of your coff coffee. >> i know, we had that really avy rainfall comingdown. that wasn't great. we had low humidity yesterday, the temperature at about 4:00 p.m., was 87 degrees, the hu iidity was low, felt a few degrees cooler. this rarely happens in july. late july here in washington. here are four things to know the next four days. today is friday, momentarily mental. checking out today, it's perfect
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out there. tomorrow and sunday. we have all sunshine in the forecast, it does start to feel a little humid out there on sunday. by monday its definitely more humid. we begin our heat wave over the weekend. it will be our fifth heat wave of the year. we've had 31 days at 90 degrees or higher, our average for the r whole ye is 36. so we will easily achieve th this year. here's what i'm talking about. notice again how low the humidity is. the temperature is 85 but itac ally feels like 84 degrees out lm winds with a little bit of ante easy component. a highf temperature 89 degrees. more clouds building as we head into the afternoon hours. here a look at your humidity forecast. all smiles out there today. tomorrow not that badt eiher. by sunday it starts to feel ali ttle humid out there. y,and then mondatuesday, wednesday, the ground says it all. is not oppressive, it's going
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to be humid as well. here's your storm team 4 forecast for friday. saturday a high of 90, as we hit 90 that begins our heat wave, 92 on sunday, the heat wave definitely starts on sunday, it's hot d humid on monday. our next chance for showers and thunderstorms area wide arrives later wednesday, and especially on thursday. >> i'll be trying to take us back an extra day my friend. 1:00 is coming up soon. >> it better be friday. "will & s grace" iming to an end again. after more than a deca away, the show returned for a second go around. they cided to wrap thin up with anth 18 episode d season next year. >> just jack. love it. and we all have super busy schedules, sometimes our pets are left alone for
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how lessen the anxiety andma ke sure your pet is safe at home alone. high energy funny and fami friendly. we're talking about aladdin the musical. of savings and service. whoa. travis in it mad it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? it's prey cool, isn't it? there's two of them. they're multiplying. noguys, its me see, i'm real. i'm real! he thinks he's real. geico. over 75 years of savings and service.
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and this a loving reminder from his wife.ill preparing for take-off. this is will finally depositing that expense check. oh, and is will paying his brother-in law back with zellefo r their annual camping trip. and this is will finally relaxing for the long flight. this is your right here, right now bank. this is wells fargo.
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♪ that'sl aladdinaying right now at the kennedy centers opera house. the characters that we first fell in love with on the big screen, tking about aladdin and genie. they join us in our studio this morning withore on what audiences can expect. how fantastic to be able to take a story and a mvie that is near and dear to all of our hearts and put it on the stage of the kennedy center.t' tha got to be for you all as actors, that has to mean something different than other productions,m aright? >> absolutely. absolutely. this is a huge point in our
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lives. >> it's an honor in more ways than one. >> just like the movie, theum cost are extravagant and open u len the. talk to me about the costumes and the glitz and glamour in the show. >> the d igner did a lot of work. >> my costume is covered with swarovski crystals. not too shabby. >> that's so cool. >> is it intimidating to play genie? s it intimidating to play out aladdin? >> yes and no. it's because of the nostalgia that comes to the show, also the version that we do on stage is the original design of the film before it washa ennced by the life of robin williams, so we get to do- - pay homage as well
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as create new things. >> well se d. thsic, this is going to be something that people who are enjoying it from their seats are going to be singing along with you guys. tk about the music in the show. >> you have your hits that everyone's familiar with, and i mean, i can't even speak for "a whole new world" alone, it's a special moment for gettito hear the kids and adults gasp and makee, nois also being on there, you feel like you're flying. it's a beautiful moment the special songs we grew up on. >> the pressure is on, right? >> yeah. feel like my job is to have as much fun as possible. >> in the moment. >> i can't wait to see you in these character rolls. >> i have to ask you about the magic of the flying carpet. how do yo bly that life. how do you keep the magic at the kennedy center did with the carpet. >> genie? >> i rent the carpet out to him
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>> you need a pickup line? >> yeah. >> theou go.>> i mean, it's -- there's something very special about the way disney treats aladdin. it's so rev rant, it is a special thing. i won't give anything away, but it flies with the power of magic, of course. when i tell you it will take your breath away, it still takes mine away and i see it all the e fr uyg ys here from texas, clinton greenspan and major addaway. aladdin is at the kennedy center pera house rightnow, it runs through september 7th. any last words you want people to know about this? >> it's a show for all ages. come with us on this journey. >> the whole family. >> come and get your wishes. >> i like it, thank you so much.
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thank you. >> looks fun. thank you, thank you. today at redskins training camp. reporters will get their first chance to talk to the three players competing for the startinguarterback jobs. there are other big story lines coming out ofsummer's training camp. >> the redskins are getting back what they hope will be one of their top offensive weapons. running back returning tearing his acl. andfrom turning his devastationo motivati. the two of them walking in stride out the practice, doing drills and having fun on the first day of training camp ogether. >> he tells you things, teaches you stuff. we watch everythingy.ou do anywau yoon't have to say nothing, we respect him that much.
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>> alex smith also in richmond on day one last year's starting quarterback was driven out to the field. there are three quarterbacks starting from that job. >> looking forward to training camp this weekend. coming up, we have
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good morning, i'm frank holland at nbc headquarters. spacex launched its carg mission. he rocket blasted off with a cargo dragon capsule carrying nearly 2.5 tons of supplies to the international space station. the capsule is carrying research and technology payloads that concentrate on develop u lar science. this marks the capsule's fourth trip to the s. have you ever wondered what your pet is doing all day when
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you're away at work or you come home to find mess left behind by your favorite furry friend? we're going to help you set up your petscc for sus when you have to go away to work all day. we have tooggo to the d of the week. who do we havewe this ? >> this is apollo, he's a 2 1/2-year-old mix. he came in because his owne i could no loer care for him. he did really well in the home, he's sweet. helikes to sit next to you, chew on things. but nothing over the top. >> he's pretty calm, actually. >> 2 1/2 years old, he's relatively young? >> yeah. >> and he's bn very well trained. he's people friendly and curious. he has noms prob at all. >> so now we're going to talk about something that mr. apollo here likes. sort of ways to keep your dog from getting in trouble when
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you're gone. what's the first thing? >> take them for a 20 to 30 minute walk before you leave for the day. >> they're always on good behavior. >> they will sleep for6 hours a day usually. so you want to makehat time while you're gone. additionally, if they get up and they want something to do, can you give them things to do. one chew i love is the him lay an yak chew, this is cheese, but 's a very hearty chew, and it takes them longer thanny other oully stick or chews i've seen for them to get t. >> he's very interested in th t. >> he likes that, and he likes this puppy too, a lot. >> there's other types that dispense treats on the floor? >> can you give your dog food in a toy when you leave. so anything that gets them to forage aun bat things is fantastic. >> and for keeping an eye on
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him, you have these little cameras here. >> this is a wisech cam, whi only requires the money 20 purchase it, you don't need a subscription. so it's wonderful,atou can wch them on your cell phone. and they turn and can follow the dog. >> you're wasting other time on your websites, now you can watch your dog at home. >> exactly. >> my dog camera at home comes with an in talk house feature. >> this one does too. >> is it good to talk to your dog if you're not coming home. can you say stop doing that? or does that freak them out. >> it freaks them out a little bit. but you can try it once and see what they do. >> mine, i yell no. they stopped what they were hedoing. then tjust walked around the house. >> the voice of god. >> exactly. >> thank you very much forng comiin today. we have all this information and more available through your nbc washington app. and, of corrse, our clea the shelters event is coming up, that's the big adoption driveil that wtake place on august 17th.
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you go to to find out more. if you're looking for something to do this weekend, we can tommy m has some off the beaten path suggestions. >> sharks, ponies, and the national symphony orchestra. i'm tommy mcfly with the weekend scene. sunday in maryland, the polo society, a more accessible look at the sport of polo. the congressionalpolo club will have tailgate, yard games, cocails they want to widen the ccle and get more people excited about the game. shark week goes way beyond your tv screen tomorrow at the wharf. shark bites dbrews, they promise you a chance to ride a mechanical shark. relay races, a giant shark water slide and food and f beveragesor the whole family. coco the movie like you've never seen it before, tomorrow at the filene's center, you'll see the movie on the entire screen.
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you can always bring your own snacks and drinks. ♪ >> the universal circus in maryland at the louden county fair in virginia, and the capitalfest in d.c. all wrap up this weekend. for more fun events and activities, go to the nbc washington app and search the scene. i'm tommy mcfly, news 4. >> it looks like you're going to have some pretty good weather to go along with thoseen weekds. >> right now, it's gorgeous too. >> hard to believe last weekend itfelt like 110 degrees outside, which right now itfe s like 85, the air temperature 86. the humidity is so low, it's eeling cooler than the thermometer is reading. we have winds out of the east at three miles an hour. highs y winds today with in the mid to upper 80s, fantastic night for a baseball gamehes they take on t dodgers. just after 7:00, a little hot as the game gets underway, as the night wears on, it will be 2357b
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taftic. 8:00 p.m., low 80s, upper 70s as the game is wrapping up, a high temperature of 90 degrees, so we begin our heat wave, if we hit 90 tomorrow, it will be the 32nd day this year that we've hit 90. sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. we contin to track high temperatures in the 90s. so that means by wednesday, we'll have hit our amount of 90s for the year, and we haven't even begun august yet. august next weekend, 88nd 89 next saturday and sunday. >> we'll take it. >> thank you, ma'am. that's it for news 4 mi'rday, we back on the air this afternoon. first at 4:00. >> you can get news and weather updates any ame. havereat day and a great weekend.
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. we are live in five, four, tree,, wo >> heads up. >> what? it is that time of the year again. >> yeah! >> shark week is here. our guest host takes off on sunday. the music alone is creepyo me. i even saw some shark fins circling. >> i


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